2021-06-29 Meeting notes

2021-06-29 Meeting notes




  • Review ongoing tasks

Discussion items

Outstanding TasksTim Whitlock (Deactivated)
  • Andrew hasn't done the latest manual trace for RaDaR but hopes to this week.
  • The INS App is progressing slowly and a new developer has been found and given the specification. A meeting has been held with one of the possible developers and the next is scheduled for Friday.
  • STAR Registry has been completed but a number of issues have been found in reviewing and testing:
    • Some search boxes etc need removing/hiding from the ui
    • the exporter is not working as expected and needs to be updated properly currently it seems to be updated to python3.6. This is tied in with the current code base which is still on python2.7 so the whole code base needs to be merged with a newer code. Hopefully this will ensure the expoerter works and the code si then more inline with the current RaDaR code base.
    • The diagnosis list is inconsistent where multiple diagnosis texts point to the same code. We need to use the latest list and remove any of these anomalies. Fiona thinks the issue may be the list used on patients may not have had all the options available so the description was modified to reflect the variation. She thinks many of these variations have their own code now. The patients to be loaded will need to be correctly mapped to the latest list that is loaded before loading. This will require BCH to correct.
  •  NHSBT Andrew has loaded the file from NHSBT but has had issues sending the file back to the NHSBT via NHS/net he will retry using his NBT email as this is now secure.
  • Changes to international radar as a response to the pentesting have yet to be done.
  • Validation an issue has been found loading a file but no urgent issues.
  • AKI Andre is keeping her " corrected" database in sync with the live database and a meeting is set for the  7th July to discuss the next steps.
  • Radar no urgent tickets but Andrew flagged a potential issue with the handling of patients who withdraw consent. This may well be an issue with either the UI or user understanding. Currently the process they use is to move them to a different cohort which means the patient doesn't get their feed stopped due to the fact they have an active membership. This was done because closing a membership (which stops the feed) means they no longer see the patient in the cohort as an active patient (which is the original design). So the issue may well be user error in that they don't understand how they find these patients or it could be the UI needs changing to display these patients but indicate they have withdrawn consent under a given cohort.
 Timesheets Tim Whitlock (Deactivated) It is important that timesheets are filled in regularly (everyday) not forgotten about. The time sheet should accurately reflect the projects worked on and time spent. Doing this days or weeks later will not be accurate or reflect reality.

Action items
