2018-11-19 Meeting notes

2018-11-19 Meeting notes




  • Review outstanding tasks
  • Plan tasks for week
  • AOB

Discussion items

Outstanding Tasks
  • George Swinnerton has not added much to the UKRR Extract Specification in the last week. He will add details of what the minimum data is required to make a minimum extract that can be validated. This will identify the minimum code that needs to be developed to create an extract. This will be the initial software goal when there is sufficient data in the Kings file to allow the development to be done.
  • George Swinnerton historic surveys have been imported into the live system resulting in around 150 errors. of these 44 were caused by one or more surveys not being completed, ~8 had missing information and the rest George Swinnerton has corrected. The loading identified a number of issues with coding that should have been fully ironed out on staging before loading on live. To ensure the 2018 load goes smoothly they will be loaded on staging first. This will also provide an idea of the errors to expect for the the GUI to correct and indicate the numbers. Some could be sorted prior to loading to live during testing of the Error GUI.
  • Survey Error Correction GUI. This is all working it has some UI refresh/autoselect issues which could lead to incorrect deletes if users are unaware at the moment. rapolas (Unlicensed) is trying to resolve these issues. Aside from that the basic process is working the selection of an error allows the data in the database to be edited and then updated. When updated a new csv is created for reloading into the UKRDC and the old error message is deleted. The UI issues relate to the removal of the message from the list and clearing of the data fields that were used for editing.
  • rapolas (Unlicensed) has created some documentation on how to create a local test environment for the UKRDC on your own desktop. George Swinnerton plans to do this so he can do more comprehensive testing locally.
  • Tim Whitlock (Deactivated) has configured the automatic upload of the Kings RDA files to the staging server. This currently runs at 2.00 am each night as kings upload their files currently at 1.00am. These can be changed when more interactive testing is required. The live feed and replicating it to the staging system for one or all sites was discussed. The suggestion is to modify PV-DECRYPT to read a config file that identifies all the units and whether the file should be copied to the rdastaging or rdadev download folders as well as live. This will allow each system to manage its own downloads and should reduce some of the issues we have seen with a single downloader/distribution process as used with PV files.
  • A meeting to discuss the validation tasks has not occurred yet.

 George Swinnerton the basic code is in place it just needs to have the filters added to remove data items not included in the DSA. This is due on Thursday   Once Simplified are satisfied a daily feed will need to be configured. The code need access to SQL Database and UKRDC DB so will need to run on a server in Bristol. The code has a dependency on the ukrdc services code rapolas (Unlicensed) recommended this should be included as a dependency rather than use any other method of inclusion. The code when approved will need to be run daily and will make use of the traced file. Currently a file is received once a week from SImplified which is traced and returned. This returned file is used as the reference list to return data.

Action items

  • George Swinnerton to complete simplified extract of data example for supply by   once approved a daily feed will need configuring.