2019-01-28 Meeting notes

2019-01-28 Meeting notes




  • Review tasks and plan weeks tasks
  • Other systems issues

Discussion items

Outstanding Tasks
  • Renalware have restarted sending RDA files. These now seem to have the required time field though due to the way the ending of files is triggered it can be difficult to find files with this data amongst all the files being sent. This in part is because they are only sending whats changed and a days worth of data rather than two weeks which would be preferred during testing. It should now be possible to test the pv-extract on RDA data and confirm if it matches the pv files currently processed on live. George Swinnerton will test this and report back to renalware as necessary and see about expanding the date rane for the test files in the short term.
  • rapolas (Unlicensed) has not had a chance to progress the extract but will look at ensuring the minimum data as indicated in the specification is incuded for extract. This will then push the completion of the extract to renalware ensuring they supply the fields.
  • George Swinnerton is still waiting on Simplified to confirm if the data sent is what is required.
  • rarerenal.org is now running with mysql57 on the renalreg server and has an SSL certificate. It is all ready to switch test.rarerenal.org (on renalreg server) to rarereanl.org on Virtual Puddings server.
  • Nick has provided a Questiontext patch however there seems to be an issue with running it on staging and live where it is failing to get the questiontext and returns null. This seems to be due to it failing to find the required function. This works fine on test systems running Oracle Java but is an issue on these systems running openjdk which in theory should be the same. This functionality is critical to the ePRO project questionaires testing. Rapolas will look at whether running with oracle java makes any difference.
  • The latest NHSBT file has been matched but seems to take a very long time (4 days) suggesting it is not working efficiently. George Swinnerton send back and progress.
  • George Swinnerton is still awaiting feedback from Fran about the test release he made.
RelocationWe have a provisional plan which looks like it will be adopted pretty much as is for layout. This will define the network provisioning required. 
We will be interviewing a candidate on Wednesday and will probably use the standard python test looking at the quality of the solution whether unit tests and documentation ahve been added etc. The aim is to prove they have the basic skills.
Leeds Data

George Swinnerton has been given the go ahead to extract the patient entered data for lizzie so he will progress that this week.

Action items

  • George Swinnerton test PVextract for RDA files from kings notw the missing field is available and feedback as required.  
  • George Swinnerton to ask renalware to increase the reporting period during testing to include last 2 weeks to make testing simpler  
  • Tim Whitlock (Deactivated) to see if Virtual Pudding can assist switching the migrated site to its correct url www.rarerreanl.org  
  • rapolas (Unlicensed) to look at ensuring all the "required" fields of the extract are included in the audit extract code  
  • George Swinnerton to make interview test available  
  • rapolas (Unlicensed) to look at whther JAVA version makes adiffernce in resolving questiontext issue  
  • rapolas (Unlicensed) to document his suggested shopping basket interview "test"  
  • George Swinnerton to progress the extract for Lizzie at Leeds  

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