2019-01-14 Meeting notes

2019-01-14 Meeting notes




  • Review where we are with pre Christmas Tasks
  • Look forward for the next few weeks 

Discussion items

Outstanding Tasks
  • George Swinnerton hasn't added new details to the specification for the extract.Current issues are around the snomed codes and which things have one. In addition it is unclear how they will be used to code pre/post dialysis results. The current plan is to use snomed codes if available other the Registry Data Set code will be used if the information is part of that dataset if not the PV code. George Swinnerton will send a list of codes to use to renalware initially this will not be all snomed codes but will be updated overtime. Renalware should anticipate the snomed codes being provided and returning these when they are available.
  • rapolas (Unlicensed) has created a framework for producing the extract. This currently allows new data fields to be readily included in the extract but currently does pass a database session per data value so may be slow due to the database querying. This will need reviewing/optimising once the database code is in place to see if this is significant.. George Swinnerton willl produce a minimal list of fields to include for a validation file that can be validated. This will be the initial set of fields to be implemented and renalware will be required to be sending. This will then be expanded to include all the fields they have in their current return. This is likely to require asking renalware to include more data in their feed to ensure it is available for extract. rapolas (Unlicensed) will look at making the framework produce data from the database for the key fields.
  • The NHSBT file is still being worked on. Chloe returned the file with the missing data added late last week and George Swinnerton will now run the matching against it.
  • Simplified have confirmed which fields they need adding from the quarterly data set this now needs coding and the Scottish patients added. These were previously not being included because the tracing file only contained England and Wales patients.
  • Validation George Swinnerton has fixed a couple of tickets and merged the outstanding fixes to create a build for Fran to review and test. This should include allow all the tickets in review to be signed off. A new problem has been found with classify patients due to refactoring of the code. acute patients are mis classified. This appears to have been caused when the code was refactored.
  • Rarerenal.org is currently in the process of being moved. VP have sent through some files which have been added to the new site. Johnny will now login and configure it.
  • Issues with renal.org payments and export have been resolved. The issue seems to have been due to the current status of the individual who's payment was being processed. Adding a wider range of statuses for the payment processing has sorted the issue. Export issues were due to code changes on the themes breaking the plugin.
  • Relocation requires a network survey from NBT. They currently have not suggested a time to do this. They were unable to attend last week when the office planners visited.
  • The mismerged radar patient needs sorting. Shauns proposal is to just delete the records and recreate. Tim Whitlock (Deactivated) will raise this for Retha to sign off on.
  • RaDaR there is a ticket (
    Error rendering macro 'jira' : Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.
    ) to do with entering results which is an issue with code Abi wrote. This is likely to take a long time to fix.


There is now some urgency to get this working. The questionText field has been added but it looks like this is on the new pid build. This means we either will need to deploy the pid code immediately or get a version for the former pid version working in the short term whilst testing the migration of pids.

Currently SSG have built the survey entry screens. These have bee tested over Christmas feedback given. Meanwhile they have bee working on sending the xml to the UKRR. Currently the sendfacility could prove an issue due to it not being a defined entity in PV. The proposal is it will be the last unit to send a file for the patient which may not be the unit involved in the trial. For the trial this should be fixable in code at PV but if rolled out to more units may present routing issues.

We need to build the routing element which takes the incoming xml and feeds it to the repository and also routes the file to an sftp writer for the unit defined by the sendingfacility in the xml. Current sites involved are Lister, Salford and Kings. Salford have requested some more sample files.

Penetration Testing

We need to do penetration testing of the websites N3 and Internet companies used previously listed.

N3 Sites to Test (https://www.leics-his.nhs.uk/services/it-security)

Indicators and AKI Upload (nww.indicators.renalregistry.nhs.uk, nww.thinkkidneys.nhs.uk )

radar (www.radar.nhs.uk)

UKRDC sites locked down to Bristol at the moment

Atlassian (locked down to Bristol at the moment)

Internet to Test (Sec-Tec.com)

UKRR website, UKRDC website, Rarerenal website, radar redirect site, transplantfirst (www.renalreg.org, www.ukrdc.nhs.uk, www.rarerenal.org, www.radar.nhs.uk, transplantfirst.renalreg.org )

Thinkkidneys (www.thinkkidney.nhs.uk)

Internationalradar (www.internationalradar.org )

Patientview (www.patientview.org , test.patientview.org)

Renal Association (www.renal.org, members.renal.org)

Renal archive (www.renalarchive.org )

Nurture (www.nurturebiobank.org, dashboard.nurturebiobabnk.org)

Atlassian (jira.ukrdc.org, bitbucket.ukrdc.org, confluence.ukrdc.org)

Lizzie Leeds

Lizzie wants an extract of the patient entered data from PV. George Swinnerton has asked Tom about the IG implications.


here have been issues with the reports due to the use of different names for some Units. This has been caused because there are multiple names in the selection dropdown on formstorm. When the name was updated the previous entry was not removed. Then when surveys were processed the unit name was not consistently processed. To ensure consistency and the error correction code remains in sync it should pick up its unit dropdown list from the formstorm dictionary file \\rr-ocr-live\Formstorm\UKRR\Dicts\Renal Unit.dct. The translation list in the ukrdc should also be updated when this list is changed. Tim Whitlock (Deactivated) needs to ensure the systems team members have access to this folder. (The users of formstorm all have access configured using a local group on the formstorm server (RR OCR)

Action items

  • George Swinnerton to send list of coding to be used to renalware and ensure they no some will switch to snomed codes when available.  
  • Tim Whitlock (Deactivated) to ensure systems team can access the formstorm folder share on rr-ocr-live  
  • Tim Whitlock (Deactivated) to check with Nick about deploying the questiontext fix without the pid change  
  • Tim Whitlock (Deactivated) to discuss the mismerged patient on RaDaR with Retha  
  • Tim Whitlock (Deactivated) to contact the penetration testing companies about getting some testing done.  
  • rapolas (Unlicensed) to continue developing the extract code so it can produce a minimal extract that validates  
  • George Swinnerton to produce a minimum set of dataset fields required for validation to work  
  • George Swinnerton to make the changes to the Simplified code in light of the feedback