Shaun Mannings (Deactivated) has been using the merging interface to merge RaDaR records and correct RaDaR as appropriate to ensure PV data is being fed through. The merging interface is still not complete in that it is difficult to ascertain which records should be shown based from the workitems, which workitem should be used as the "master" item and should all related be cleared when the master is and what should happen and be done when a match is not valid. Tim Whitlock (Deactivated) has contacted Nick for his input he has responded
First of all I need to raise a warning – duplicate patient records management will always be a specialist task. I’m not sure you will ever pass it to a generic user. There used to be (probably still is) a large team of specialists in Southport dedicating to managing duplicate and confusions cases for the NHS Number and PDS.
Ok – now I’ve got that off my chest, on to some specifics about the matching / work item process.
FAC001 adds Fred Smith [01/01/1980] with NHS Number 1
FAC002 adds Fred Smith [02/02/1980] with NHS Number 1
• Because of the NHS Number match, JTRACE tries to link the master record for NHS Number 1.
o It completes the link because there is an explicit information from FAC002 that this is the correct NHS Number
o If raises a WorkItem (Type 4) because the verification fails
• Next step it tries to find a related UKRDC number and it thinks it has found one because of the NHS Number link. However,
o It does not link to the UKRDC Id because this is only an implicit link – based on the NHS Number. A new UKRDC Id is created
o It raises a WorkItem (Type 3) because the inferred link is not verified
FAC002 updates Fred Smith to be 01/03/1980 – will NHS Number 1
• The Master records for both NHS Number and UKRDC will be updated.
• All records linked to those Master Records will be reverified and work items raised
o Type 6 if the Master is of type UKRDC Id (the primary id in this system)
o Type 7 if the Master is of any other type
• Because FAC002/Fred Smith was linked to the NHS Number then a Type 7 should perhaps be raised at this point BUT there is already a WI for this [Person || Master] combination so none is created.
o NOTE – this is deliberate to stop repeated raising of WI records. Also there is no status check, so an existing but closed WI would also stop a new one being raised. This is meant to allow an issue to be cleared by an operator and not come back. I don’t think the logic has been fully thought through though, so I’m just pointing out the intent for now.
Now to solutions. Again this is complex so I think we need to set up a call – and we will need to break this down, because we won’t be able to eat the whole elephant in one.
Tim Whitlock (Deactivated) will arrange a call to further discuss this.