2019-03-11 Meeting notes

2019-03-11 Meeting notes




  • Review last weeks tasks and activities
  • Plan Next weeks

Discussion items

Ouststanding TasksTim Whitlock (Deactivated)
  • Simplified have still not been in contact George will chase
  • Kings have still not confirmed any changes have been made. As far as we can tell the files remain unchanged since we gave them the last feed back. George will follow up again with them.  
  • George Swinnerton has added some documentation on the using of the InterpretationCode but is still awaiting a response from Nick about updating the field name in the Repository. This should allow a number of new dataset fields to be supported.
  • The 3C extract has hit an issue with creating programmeberships for the 3C project. After discussion about what was required it was relised that if the project (3C) was the equivalent of a Unit then we would fit the current schema with out needing to add processes. George Swinnertonwill investigate. The data is required by the end of March. If need be the extract can be done with out a resolution howeverr moving forwards a working process needs to be found for future projects.
  • The upgrade of the atlassian tools has been started. So far the Crowd server and Confluence servers have been done. This leaves JIRA, Bitbucket, Bamboo and crucible to do.
  • RRAM code is done but the extract hasn't been run. George needs to check with Katharine the NHSBT DSA element has been signed off and then he will release the data.
  • No progress on the UKRR Extract Development however now there is documentation for the InterpretationCode the fields tha can now be extracted need to be added to the extract code.
  • Tim Whitlock (Deactivated)  has met with RDGKing to get a rewire quote for the networking and electrics. He is due to meet with 10 Audio Visual this week to discuss options for projectors etc in the meeting rooms.
  • George Swinnerton  has started progressing the validation tickets and has made an initial test release available to Fran for testing incorporating the fixes that have been completed so far.

 Afzal has raised a  number of concerns with sharing the patient entered data back to units. One being the management of changed results and how this could impact clinical decisions. As a result George Swinnertonhas referred the sites interested in automating the process back to him. On the PV Call this week SSG said they were close to releasing a version of the mobile app that uses fingerprint control. It is understaood that it will use this option by default if available. Afzal has said he plans to use the budget for development on key developments not lots of little improvements. One of the Kidney charities has supplied a list of features they think would be good to have. There is concern that there are a number of issues with Patientview that should be addressed before embarking on further development. Fiona is putting together a list.

Action items

  • George Swinnerton to follow up with the Simplified project on the data samples sent. So an automatic process can be set up once content is confirmed  
  • George Swinnerton to follow up with Kings and see if we can make some progress.  
  • rapolas (Unlicensed) to ensure the extra dataset fields that make use of the InterpretationCode are added to the extract code.  