2018-12-03 Meeting notes

2018-12-03 Meeting notes




Discussion items

Outstanding Tasks
  • NHSBT have come back with some queries. George Swinnerton has answered the main ones but raised one with Fran as it appears the patient has a completely different name. Now awaiting a response from Chloe
  • Kings/RenalWare George Swinnerton has had an email back asking for clarification on the treatment block and other attributes required. He will respond. There has been no response about a possible meeting. He will chase this. Given that RenalWare have expressed an interest in receiving surveys electronically as part of the EPRO project this could also be helpful for discussing that aspect too.
  • rapolas (Unlicensed) and Fiona Braddon (UKRR) (Unlicensed) have reviewed the RaDaR tickets and clarified/closed/cleared them so he now has a clear list of tickets to work on.
  • A meeting has been arranged with Catherine   to review the Survey processes and Error Gui. A number of issues were identified with the error GUI when testing it for demo to Beth. These have been fixed however it was also decided the data should be validated before resubmitting to reduce chances of triggering a second error due to mistyping etc. As part of this the Renal Unit should be picked from a drop down list that matches the one in Formstorm. This part hasn't been completed yet.
  • SImplified have acknowledged the receipt of the sample extract and currently we are awaiting the feedback from the simplified project on the file. Once they have approved we will need to configure the regular daily extracting and sending of the data.
  • The mismerged RaDaR patient remains and is difficult to unpick. Shaun has suggested the best course is to delete the record and recreate correctly. Tim Whitlock (Deactivated) to confirm with Retha this is OK.
 eProSabine is hoping that work will actually start on this project in the next couple of weeks. She has agreed the work with SSG who should be sending a file to us by the end of January. We will then need to forward this file to appropriate sftp server for the unit the patient attends. The current plan is to use the Mirth channel to do this filtering the incoming RDA file by sending facility and then using an sftp sender to upload the file to the Unit. Assuming the units can all configure an sftp site to receive the files. This may change to either them picking up from our sftp server or some form of http transfer. We will validate the RDA survey files from PV and feedback on that aspect of SSgs work . Sabine will be signing off the UI aspects. 
STAR DatabaseTim Whitlock (Deactivated)

The STAR database has reappeared under the push of Tim Barrett. Some things have changed in the requirements as they now wish to support the new EU RD Platform set of common data elements for rare diseases registration. Fiona thinks the fields can either be derived from collected fields or can be added however currently this data set is not required and would not stop a record being created. It seems they would like to require all this data to be present before a new record can be saved which will require a some more programming to achieve. It is not a "default" feature of RaDaR so will move the STAR code base further from its RaDaR roots.

In discussion with Tim Barrett it remains unclear how they would host the server and whether their IT people would be willing to support the server their end. We will probably have to configure the server for them to some extent as yet undefined.

Moving websites rarerenal.org/renalmed.org

Currrently rarerenal.org is hosted on virtualpuddings webserver. This needs to be moved over to renreg.org and it is planned it will be configured as a separate website on the renalreg.org server. VP are due to respond to an email about this and other questions this week.

renalmed.org would need to be rebuilt before we could host it as planned by Ron.

renal.org issuesthe membership aspect of the renal.org site has issues at the moment. This is due to it throwing errors when exporting the membership database and when displaying membership details. It also appears to be mis allocating payments at the end of the free year of membership to the free year resulting in the membership appearing to expire. VP are due to respond on this this week.
Website revamp/redeisgnThere is a growing push for a unification/theming that is common across all renal association websites and in particular to redesign the renal.org, renal.org and thinkidneys.nhs.uk websites. There is a hope the new web developer will be instrumental in this amongst interested parties whilst hey may be a helpful resource it is unlikely they will take on all that is required. Timescale that is hoped for is the next 6 months.
RaDaR Dashboard

We need to quote for a RaDaR dashboard which really means a series of pages showing breakdowns of recruitment and other data for different radar cohorts and for RaDaR as a whole. The plan is to do something similar to that which was done for Nurture where a customised extract to an sqlite database was done and this database was used to genrate the required graphs. We would then copy the database to a metabase server on the internet side and reference the graphs from a suitable web front end/set of webpages. George Swinnerton will review the list of required graphs from Fiona and indicate likely time to produce the extract and graphs. To this we will need to add the website creation/landingpage to access the RaDaR graphs.

3C Project

This project has just signed off a new Data Sharing Agreement so will be looking to get an extract. This was last done by Rupert in 2016 and so the code/new code will need to be written to support this. In addition George Swinnerton noticed that there was some ambiguity as to what was meant for some of the fields which may need further definition/clarification. At the moment no data has been asked for.

Preferred site is Filton20 need to think about the networking/systems implications involved with the move. Currently NBTIT are suggesting getting it sorted in 6 months will be a challenge for them to resource though no official plan/specification etc has been done yet. As soon as the building is certain NBTIT will need to draw up a provisioning plan for the new building and cost it.

Action items