George sent a summary update to Kings last week:
1) Missing Patients
We still have ~130 patients that our Validation identifies as being missing.
2) Placement Treatment Centre
3) QBL05 needed
4) Treatment Record Discharge Reasons
I don't think this has been done?
5) The Treatment Reason (Modality) code needs to be done in as much detail as possible.
Done - although not checked in detail yet.
6) The Actual Treatment Center needs to be populated
We are getting the expected codes with the exception of ones that are coming through as "RJZ?" - if this was migrated data you were unsure about and are unable to confirm could you send it as just "RJZ" please.
There are also still quite a few where no center is supplied - PD still?
7) Invalid Doses
8) Need to switch to UKRR Code List
I still need to do this.
9) DialysisSession/Attributes/QHD21 needs to be SB, RC, BC etc. and not L/R as it is now.
QHD21 is now being submitted as AVF/AVG/TLN etc. which is also incorrect.
It should be:
QHD20 = AVF/AVG/TLN etc.
QHD21 = SB/RC/BC etc.
10) Invalid Test Values
11) Lack of Early Biochemistry
I haven't had chance to investigate the test patient you sent across with full data yet.
12) Patient with Next of Kin in their Address
13) Patient with invalid medication date
George Swinnerton will send the updated code list to Hugh this week. There is also a potential issue with validation to do with multiple treatments on the same day. There is an issue in the validation to do with two treatments on the same day with the same modality causing a key issue in the database. Kings appear to have 400+ entries which could fall foul of this issue. In theory there shouldn't be two treatments for the same modality on the same day but there can be more than one. This could be an issue when processing the extract.