2020-12-14 Meeting notes

2020-12-14 Meeting notes




  • Review outstanding issues and progress made

Discussion items

Outstanding ItemsTim Whitlock (Deactivated)
  • Alphastudy. George has asked Fiona to follow up some queries he has and she has re-opened the ticket. She is waiting for a response.
  • Andrew hasn't made any progress on the tracing records for the UKRDC.
  • Andre has completed all the main work for the nephwork and ironed out the issues that were found in the early days. She just has some new data to load which is for a Welsh site. the AKI data for this comes via a different root so needs to be supplied complete as we don't have the data to look for missing elements. Currently firstname, lastname and DOB are missing form some records. Andre will follow this up with Manuela.
  •  George has added some documentation on matching NHS Number to rrnos and the reverse process. Adding Demographics - Renal Registry - Confluence
  • The Radar records have not sorted them selves after George deleted the rogue memberships. This seems to be an issue with the empi and master record(324512) not updating with new demographics data. This could simply be fixed by deleting the Radar membership at issue and letting it be re-created as there are no other records involved.
  • Andrew had the barcode corrections via Tim. After correcting some further duplicates with Liz (2 still pending feedback from units) he has loaded the data in to two tables and just needs to generate the export routines that allow the export of only the biochemistry info. Fiona has had a list from Liz of all the barcodes however it is unclear if this is before or after the most recent corrections.
  • George hasn't heard back from renalware over the outstanding Trello items. He will chase again.
  • PHE opt out has been completed and needs sending to PHE. it is unclear who has done this previously/how this was done.
  • NICOR opt out was completed and Anna has created the file and it is ready to be uploaded which George did previously. 
  • A Validation release hasn't been released due to George not as yet finding the cause of the issues in the editor he mentioned next week. Switching to python 3 for all builds also highlighted an issue with flake errors which has been corrected but meat a lot of flake errors were suddenly breaking the build. Also the use of mypy type checking requires any of our imported libraries to have a flag set to ensure when they are imported type checking is done. George has created a page in confluence with notes on these issues Bamboo - Move All Jobs to Python 3.6 - Systems Team - Confluence (renalregistry.nhs.uk) 
  • AKI George hasn't had a chance to look at the reloading of data.
  • AKI Extract George will kick off the extract today with the aim to complete tracing by Friday.

Retha Steenkamp

NHS England extract. NHSEngland have come back with a number of queries  which Retha will aim to resolve with them by Friday. Also they would like the data from 2016-2019. Shalini is currently doing the Vascular Access part. The QUA will need replacing by QBL  but everything else should be the same just a date change. George commented that there was a small issue with the way he selects the data meaning he will need to make some code changes to allow the data range to be changed. NHSEngland would like the data by the end of the Month which for us would mean Friday. This is possible but it was questioned whether they really would need it/look at it and whether the new year would be sufficient. 

Esther apparently wants to know how to query the AKI by date. 

HES data there was a query about matching/linking the HES data to last years data and the identifiers used. George said he knew where the file was.

New Jira Project Data Extracts

A new project has been added to Jira for data extract/opt out tickets so the progress of them can be better tracked. By setting completion dates it will also help prioritise extracts.

Data Extracts - UK Renal Registry Jira

TimesheetsTim Whitlock (Deactivated) A reminder to ensure timesheets are up to date and filled in daily to reflect the work done. Not everyone has completed their tie sheets for last week.
RedHat and Centos server changes Tim Whitlock (Deactivated)

 CentOS will stop being a copy of RedHat server versions and will just be Centos stream moving forwards with version 7 and 8 being the last tracking versions. CentOS Stream is  a continuously delivered distro that tracks just ahead of Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) development, positioned as a midstream between Fedora Linux and RHEL.

Also RedHat 8 no longer supports Docker natively although it is possible to install docker. RedHat would like you to use  their tool podman which is described as a rootless  and removes a layer of shim that docker uses. They also provide buildah for building images. In theory they support the same commands as docker. 

These changes mean we need to re-examine our infrastructure and decide on how to upgrade the servers that are currently RedHat 6 which has reached end of life and how we should develop our processes moving forwards and containerising elements. 

Action items
