2021-01-04 Meeting notes

2021-01-04 Meeting notes



Discussion items


Alpha Study

There are issues with connectng to their SSL VPN because a) It requires IE and b) The VPN SSL certificate has expired and NBT policies won't allow it to be ignored. Connecting to the FTP site works. FB is to update the support ticket and request they update the certificate. GS has suggested that an alternative would be to pay the hosting company to do a DB backup and put it on the FTP server.

FB says that the project now wish to continue to use the website to collect more data. The SSL certificate on the website (separate to the VPN one) has expired and will need to be renewed.

GS says that the website is being hosted on (he thinks) IIS 7.5 / Windows Server 2008 which no longer receives security updates. It is also accessible via the internet rather than N3. He thinks we need to check our responsibility / liability for continuing to be involved in hosting the site.

UKRDC TracingNo Update.

TNG-655George SwinnertonStill In-Progress. GS thinks the issue now may be that the EMPI isn't refreshing demographics where it should.

Biomarker Code CorrectionsAndrew AttertonThis has been done. AA says that as this needs to be done frequently it might be worth adding a feature to allow it to be done via the RADAR site.

RenalwareGeorge SwinnertonNo response from Renalware over the holidays. GS to contact them again.

Validation / Editor ReleaseGeorge SwinnertonStill In-Progress.

AKI Re-LoadGeorge SwinnertonGS has not had chance to look at this yet.

NephworkThis has been done now, following some additional work related to the Welsh units. AOA is now working on the Transplant First site.

RADAR TicketsAndrew AttertonNo update.

CovidRetha SteenkampThe existing Covid Test Results process is to move to fortnightly. Cohort data for current renal patients has been received from a lot of units, although some have said it won't be possible for them to produce it.

Action items