Outstanding Tasks | Tim Whitlock (Deactivated) | - Please ensure all timesheets are filled in as the work is completed and not some days/weeks later. They need to be an accurate reflection of the work done. Please use the comment field to help break down generic systems, ukrdc, radar work etc. This helps build a better picture of what tasks are taking the time.
- George will do the NHS England extracts on his return from holiday
- James is currently working on how to turn the trace results into an RDA file and is hoping for something this week. Whilst submitting CHI and HSC numbers to to tracing is fine Shaun has pointed out that it has in the past caused issues because it has matched in correctly using demographics and resulted in NHS numbers being apparently valid for CHI and HSC only patients. So for this first step we should only be creating the trace result for NHS numbers associated with a patient record. There is a tracing service for HSC numbers and it may be worth finding out how we can use that service.
- Andrew has been through the github warnings and has reduced them to 4 warnings for webpack and phantom.js both of which are development dependencies so low risk if any. Confluence has been updated to reflect this. He will look at whether these can be eliminated/what would be involved in removing them. The bigger question is what to do about the angularjs framework which is at EOL. Upgrading to angular.js would require a re-write of the whole frontend. Due to the way the framework changed to use typescript rater than pure js etc. Should the radar ui be part of the ukrdc UI? should it be accessible in in the UKRDC UI but still be standalone for external users? Whilst the current UI provides many features that are required it also has a number of issues in the way it displays information etc. so the design would almost certainly need refining.
- It i snot know what progress has been made by George on his tasks this week.
- The permissions/groups table has been updated for Radar to include the superuser which currently doesn't support any restricted features as would be preferable when calling the api to pull out data.
- George has added some note s to the main systems page George's Stuff (25/06/2020) for the covid19 task and NHSBT matching task. The NHSBT matching was delayed whilst Shaun sorted some of the data for paeds but is now able to be progressed.
- There is a call this week about the BCH Star registry after which we may have a better idea of what changes may be required to the VM supplied and possibly the code.
- No further information on the National Opt out
- James has now reconfigured the database and is working on loading the historic data in and ensuring it all passes validation...currently there are 400 odd errors to resolve. It hasn't yet had the tracing record added. Meanwhile he has added some logging to the code base. He will be away next week which isn't a reporting week.
- Andrew had nothing to report on radar
- No updates on kings or barts feeds.