2020-07-06 Meeting notes

2020-07-06 Meeting notes




  • Review Progress and plan this weeks work...

Discussion items

Outstanding Items
  • George will do the NHSExtract today and will confirm with Retha it should be the new format. It is unclear what is happening about the historic data extract.
  • James has not made much progress on tracing this week.
  • No new github issues. Most outstanding issues are to do with the dev environment and EOL issues. This will continue to be an issue until RaDaR frontend is upgraded/rebuilt. For now Andy will keep an eye on any arising issues.
  • Renalware have not responded to emails about the correction of dose information.
  • The rrtstatus code wasn't deployed to staging as planned and will be this week for further testing. 
  • George has written some notes on how the RRNO can be added to records on the ukrdc however the page went to drafts. He will complete and publish. Then the necessary code will need writing to add these numbers.
  • George will add some more instructions on the covid19 matches required for reporting.
  • Andrew ran the NHSBT matching after correcting some bugs in George's code. However Shaun raised an issue about a missing patient in the paeds files. This seemed to be caused by the code looking for specific file names  ending 01.txt, 02.txt which was not the case for files from Nottingham Childrens, Morristons's and Kent & Canterbury. So these Q100 paeds files were not  loaded. Since the NHSBT has been returned resubmitting is a lot of extra work. George will review the numbers involved as the only ones that will have been missed are those not already in our database ie new patients. Given that they are paeds the number who were infected was low so this may not present an issue for the analysis and they can be included with the next matching cycle. If the information is required an ad hoc enquiry may be required. Meanwhile Andrew will progress the file for this quarter.
  • James has sorted RR-1589 to allow Frans team to progress files.
  • BCH Star site is now running based on the VM supplied on the vmware servers at BCH. They now need to have some driving lessons from Fiona and understand what needs setting up etc. This will probably lead to some tweaks being required. It is anticipated that these can be done via us ssh-ing in to the server from here and deploying code/changing settings etc. rather than building a new version of the vm. Meanwhile James needs to add some confluence pages, on his return from holiday,  detailing how the VM is configured etc. to ensure anyone could do these tasks.
  • No update on National Opt out
  • James has just completed a covid update this week. The sqllite database now holds the current data set. No report this week. James will be back to do the report next week.
  • RaDaR Andrew has been given a sample spreadsheet from Fioan of what she has been trying to describe she wants for her INS export and Andrew believes he now has added the necessary functionality.
  • No updates on the Kings/Barts feeds.
 Quick Loading Q100 files  To allow the data managers to quick load the Q100 files they will be loaded in to a sync'd copy of the live database on test. To do this the Q100 fixed code needs to be released which George will do and also re-sync live to test and let Fran know that they can now start loading the files. 
Win10 Upgrades

Andrew asked about win10 upgrades. The old desktops in the office will need to be replaced as they won't support WIn10 bitlocker. This means to upgrade them new ardware will be required. For the laptops they need to be upgraded in place because they are owned by the Registry and can't be swapped as is happening in the wider Hospital. We are currently trying to get a plan together with NBTIT to progress the upgrades however they have't responded to emails on the subject!

It is hoped that the new win10 machines that were on order will be supplied which could allow Stats and Systems to use these from home thus freeing up laptops which can be upgraded and used  temporarily by other staff whilst their laptops are being upgraded.

NephworkThe Nephwork project has been resurrected with a plan to try and run it in the autumn.
PKBPKB contract has been signed and currently we are awaiting a date for the kickoff meeting to plan the "deployment" which is likely to be in two weeks. James Chess has a programmer who is working on PKB feeds for Wales who could help provide advice and assistance with our development work for the PKB feed.

We are currently awaiting a scanning template to scan consent forms to pdf and creating a filename of the form  RaDaRNo_ADULT_Consent_v8.pdf or RaDaRNo_PARENT_GUARDIAN_Consent_v8.pdf. Along with a database of OCR'd data from the form. The only part that will be verified during scanning is the demographics label. The fre text fields with the name, consent date and email addresses will be scanned and OCR attempted but are too free meaning each form would have to be manually checked which woul dbe too time consuming now. Future forms if designed for scanning could allow the data to be automatically be added to RaDaR.

Andrew will need to start looking at how these files can be loaded and made accessible for viewing in RaDaR. There will probably need to be some automatic loading process for the file batches. 

Door entry systemThe door entry system is live. It did have an issue last Thursday where it ran from battery which then went flat. When doing this the network port went up and down a lot causing the cisco switch to disable the port. This didn't prevent the door lock working when power was restored but did prevent connecting to it from Jen's machine until NBTIT had reset the port. The only reason to connect from Jen's machine is to see the logs and  add new cardholders. Documentation for Brandon house has been added to the infrastructure space. This is still a work in progress (/wiki/spaces/INFRA/pages/996442365)

Action items

  • james.griffin (Unlicensed)  to create a document the BCH Star Registry VM (file locations etc). so that it can be rebuilt if required or a user can just ssh to the BCH hosted one a deploy an update of the BCH server. The document/s should be under Birmingham Children's Hospital Rare Diseases Database (Star Register)   
  • George Swinnerton Ensure latest validation code released and Test database re-sync'd so that the DMs can quick load the Q100 files. George to let Fran know when all is ready  and explain what they would need to do for file they load after the syncing is complete   

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