2020-09-14 Meeting notes

2020-09-14 Meeting notes




  • Review current progress and status.

Discussion items

Outstanding Items
  • George sent the NHSEngland extract in the old format. We are still awaiting feedback and the go ahead to send using the new format.
  • Tim has checked for example xml files for tracing on James' pc and laptop but not found any we will need to re-visit the code and start again to create some sample files for testing.
  • George has not had an update from renalware over the various outstanding issues. A new one found in the Barts feed is "DOESNOTCONTAIN" is being sent for the vascular access used field. This occurred with the Kings feed originally but was resolved/fixed itself. This has also been flagged to renalware. 
  • Q100 meeting planned to decide on what we will do for this. Systems will need to re-sync live and test databases if this goes ahead. In theory all other things are in place.
  • The Alphastudy site is still not backed up due to not having any access credentials that work. George has asked Fiona what ones she has but not heard back. It is likely that we will need to contact the hoster and get the access re-instated. Again Fiona has the details.
  • The issue with AKI file data not loading has still not be resolved by George.
  • The PHE linkage file was finally returned from opt out after a support desk request. James at PHE has had similar issues mysteriously resolved after a help desk call. The file is now with PHE and should be returned later this week.
  • No contact from BCH Registry
  • No update on National Opt out
  • Andrew has had a number of issues in resolving the radar syncing issue. Currently the code is not working on staging though it is now sending the PV codes and not the audit code however some other elements are being sent as null which is preventing the files being processed. Andrew is currently looking at why the fields don't get populated. Once a correctly populated file is being generated it is expected that radar will import the data.
  • No Kings or Barts updates
  • PEDW has not yet been done but will be on George's return. 

Action items


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