2020-02-24 Meeting notes

2020-02-24 Meeting notes




  • Review outstanding tasks and plan future tasks

Discussion items

Outstanding Tasks
  • Deleting the patient from Dorchester sent through with wrong NHS number (Shaun email 31st January) has not been completed. Alongside this are the patient with a changed NHS number see Shaun's email 21st February and the patient who changed his NHS number.
  • The Orphaned PV memberships still need sorting.
  • OPT Epro surveys being sent back to PV continues but should be fixed with a deployment this week.
  • Patientview continues to crash regularly it has also been observed that the PV database has been growing dramatically 100GB in a week having been running steadily at 320GB up until the 23rd January which is around the time a large number of dead patients were deleted off PV. This issue needs to be resolved urgently.
  • There is a bug in the generation of the survey RDA files where the RaDaR number is used rather than the NHS number and free text entries can been larger than the field size permitted. The misuse of the RaDaR number has been resolved and will be deployed to live this week but the test field size has not.
  • Andrew looked at the vacuum settings and they appear to be running as expected so this doesn't explain the growing size of the PV database. There is plenty of freespace in the database so it would be expected that it would use this space and not need to grow on disk. Previously it has been an issue with the indexes that has caused similar problems. George Swinnertonwill check if it is the index problem and document as required the fix.
  • Andrew ran the audit extract fro kings and barts. The Extract code did have an issue with some barts patients who were not adults because the code to calculate egfr did not correctly handle this so it needed modifying. It also raised the question why they were being included and should they be excluded/handled differently for the audit extract.
  •  Andrew has completed most of the RaDaR tickets in the sprint and has been working on the Syncing of Demo to Live. This has been complicated by a couple of issues when trying to use pgdump/restore. Restoring data had issues with the logging trigger and some data failed to restore the first time due to foreignkey issues. Ideally the process developed needs to do the syncing without systems team intervention. It is unclear at the moment what in the way of dummy data Fiona would like in the site. That would just leave the customisation of INS Nurture export to incorporate RaDaR INS diagnosis probably by a separate query and merge.
  • James has nearly completed the Validation sprint. Fran has a new build incorporating all the fixes that are ready for review with just a couple more to complete. RR-1483 to be completed by George.
  • The Kings feed has a significant number of files being rejected due to ODS 0000 these are due to locations abroad. SHaun has pointed out there are standard ODS codes for this: R9998 Not a hospital, 89999 Non NHS UK Provider, 89997 Non UK Provider which could be used which would resolve the issue. George Swinnerton to follow up with Tim at Kings
  • A bigger issue is the pv-extract errors when creating a PV XML file which are caused because the result codes are not correctly translated/ignored. This has resulted in 9078 errors as of today since Thursday. This is affecting both Kings and Barts patients. Associated with this is that the UI cannot send a PV feed from the RDA data so using the UI to sync all data will only sync PV file data and not RDA data. George Swinnerton will deploy a fix for the issue this week which hopefully will resolve the issue.
  • Relocation in theory Virgin media should receive the hardware required to finish the connection today and then need to schedule an engineer. Once that is done we just need NBT to connect up a switch (this would provide network connections but not provide wifi). They have a spare they could use as temporary measure as the actual hardware is not due until the 16th March. Meanwhile the only viable contingency is to remain where we are until the new office is connected. So currently the move will be delayed until we have a date and we will remain where we are.
Penetration testingTim Whitlock (Deactivated) Annual penetration testing is being carried out on N3 servers and Internet servers at the moment. Both need logins to do full tests on some of the software  primarily patientview and radar. Andrew will confirm that the accounts previously used are still there and enabled so we can let the testers know. Different firms are doing N3 and the Internet side. A third firm will test the patientview mobile app after the changes for the 'INS App' have been completed.
OPT EproTim Whitlock (Deactivated)OPT EPro are applying for another grant to extend the OPT EPro project to more sites and look at  how to use the survey data better. This will involve us processing some paper surveys and also implementing extra sites into the PV to site channels. It is unclear at the moment if any changes will be made to PV and whether they intend to add PAM support.
DSPTAs part of the new DSPT requirements we need to be more aware of the common issues with web interfaces and ensure we design new software to avoid this. They specifically reference the OWASP  Top 10 https://owasp.org/www-project-top-ten/. Also see the information associated with the Data Protection Toolkit in R:\0 Information Governance\Data Protection Toolkit in particular 07, 08, 09. 
TimesheetsTimesheets should be filled the same week the work is done. They should correctly reflect time spent on specific projects on each day. They should be a true reflection of where time has been spent. Please ensure all timesheets are kept accurately upto date. This year they have not been very well completed.
TracingTim Whitlock (Deactivated)

Since the issue in the data data centre it seems like tracing has not been working. This could mean a service hasn't been restarted. George Swinnertonwill follow this up.

Action items

  • George Swinnertonto confirm if the PV database  growing too fast is down to an index issue as previously and document how this can be resolved  
  • George Swinnerton to follow up the issue with tracing  