2020-02-10 Meeting notes

2020-02-10 Meeting notes




  • Review current tasks
  • Plan work for next week
  • Discuss future tasks

Discussion items

Outstanding Tasks
  • Vascular Access changes have been made by George. No changes required to documentation just the code to bring it all into alignment.
  • George created a list of Opt EPro surveys using  
  • The issue with a patient that needs deleting that was incorrectly sent through by Dorchester has not been done but will be this week.
  • George is currently working on the orphaned PV memberships trying to make a process that can be run regularly if required.
  • Andrew is currently working on RDR-694 and hopes to get some other tickets finished this week.
  • James has push a couple of tickets to Fran fro testing and is currently working on rr-1022 and rr-98 rr-1022 refers to rr-159 however this requires looking up data in ACT! which is being replaced by civicrm so is not worth doing until the new crm is available. 
  • Kings hopefully will sort their live feed this week as the person able to configure it is back.
  • Barts have been sending files in under the kings login details. There was also a problem where the files from live were being routed to staging and not live. This has now been resolved. Shaun has asked that the files wrongly sent to staging be resent to live. Tim@renalware is currently sorting the issue of multiple results on the same laborder. This is similar but different to the Kings issue. It is caused because the laborders come via a different process to kings and as the laborder is updated any previous values effectively get resent as new entries rather than just overwriting what is already present.
  • Relocation current info suggests we won't be connected by the time we move in and will need to have contingencies in place. A meeting due last week with NBT never occurred and has now been rescheduled for tomorrow.
 Patientview Patientview has started crashing and preventing logins. Te Patientview code base hasn't changed however the PV feed has changed to be 3 months instead of 2 weeks so more data is being processed. which could be the cause. George will investigate.
MESHWe have applied for a MESH connection for us to interrogate the spine and find out opt out status for NHS numbers. This is to meet a new requirement of NHSDigital that all sites have a policy to manage the national opt out in place by the end of March. We currently put the requirement for opt out on the supplying units because traditionally they have been the only ones aware of the opt status of any patients. This will remain our stance but is complicated by UKRDC files because they could be signed up to Patientview and Radar but also opt out for Audit. As a result we will need to implement a secondary check against the national opt out.   
OPT Epro

There have been a number of files rejected for a single patient because PV has incorrectly tried to use the RaDaR number as an NHS number when sending through the survey. George will investigate why this is happening as SSG were suppose to have fixed this.

Another issue last week is that the field lengths are not being restricted resulting in free text fields being sent through that are too long and thus causing a repository error.

There is still an issue with OPT Epro surveys being sent to PV no longer is it throwing an error as only the demographics get sent. Nothing should be sent back to PV for OPT Epro surveys. George Swinnertonto resolve this.

ODSGeorge has heard from Leeds that ods codes for sites are changing from 3 to 4 digits and wanting to check we can handle this. As we don't use these codes it shouldn't be an issue.

Action item

  • Tim Whitlock (Deactivated)to resend the files erroneously sent to staging from Barts after the 4th Feb to ensure they have all been processed on live.  
  •  George Swinnertonto investigate PV crashing and see if the increased size of PV data files being sent is the trigger for the crashes  
  • George Swinnerton to investigate bugs in the OPT Epro implementation by SSG which is incorrectly using RaDaR numbers as NHS and allowing fields to long for the schema to be sent and entered.  
  • George Swinnerton to resolve issue with OPT EPro surveys still sending data to PV despite the code fix.