2020-02-03 Meeting notes

2020-02-03 Meeting notes




  • Review outstanding tasks

Discussion items

Outstanding Tasks@Tim Whitlock
  • George Swinnerton has confirmed Shaun Mannings (Deactivated) was right and he has missed some orphaned PV memberships. He will sort hem this week. In addition he will remove the patient sent through using incorrect NHS Number by Tim  Freeborn@Dorchester. Shaun has sorted the corrected record but the artifacts of the error need deleting. See Shaun's email from 31st Jan.
  • George Swinnerton has now worked out what is needed to update the vascular access and is working on the changes. The documentation is quite comprehensive but it decribes what the code needs to be made to do rather than what it is currently doing so is correct and will match once the update is completed.
  • All the updates have now been deployed on live for the various PV fixes for processing incoming files and SQL Alchemy update. However the changelog pages have not been updated.
  • Andrew has been looking at the unable to edit previously entered data issue on RaDaR that has been associated with changes Abi made. Other than that no progress has been made.
  • James has started looking at 
    Error rendering macro 'jira' : Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.
     other than that there has been no other progress on the validation.
  • The BCH RaDaR VM for BCH has been completed and is now awaiting review by Tim Whitlock (Deactivated) before sending off to BCH. 
  • James has also created a number of tickets for RaDaR for improvements to current tracing. Including various ones about the automated build.
  • Kings feed we are still waiting the switchover to live. Fran currently cannot process Q1 until this is done.    
  • Barts have verified that the staging(test) patientivew is correctly showing the patient data for their patients so we now need them to switch over if they want to go live with this. 
  • Relocation - we are still awaiting a date from Virgin Media so we can plan the move/contingencies. It is likely that there will be a period when we are not connected and will be in the new building.
  • Andrew Atterton has vacuumed the logs table on RaDaR live and now the database has shrunk to a more manageable size and should remain so if the logs are regularly pruned.  
 OPT Epro Tim Whitlock (Deactivated)

 OPT Epro have requested a copy of the survey data for Oct-Dec 2019 for Lister and Salford. This can be created from the vwe_survey_data but it will need updating to reflect the extra fields provided via the electronic version of the symptoms survey. George Swinnerton will get this done as soon as possible. 

NHS England ExtractGeorge is about to do the next NHS England extract. After Retha's meeting on Friday it appears that they haven't looked at previous files but will be changing the extract around April.
TableauJames would like some 2019 data of the counts. There was some confusion over the count numbers but this was due to data base changes affecting numbers. Kings and Barts will need to be produced from the UKRDC  

Action items

  • George Swinnertonto delete reference to the incorrect NHS number for the patient from Dorchester who was sent through with the wrong NHS Number.  
  • George Swinnerton Finish sorting orphaned PV memberships on the UKRDC  
  • George Swinnerton to produce a list of the OPT Epro survey data for Oct-Dec 2019  