2020-03-23 Meeting notes

2020-03-23 Meeting notes




  • Review progress

Discussion items

Outstanding TasksTim Whitlock (Deactivated)
  • George Swinnerton hasn't yet completed the sorting of the other individuals beside the one Dorchester patient that has been sorted.
  • Orphaned PV Memberships have been sorted.
  • Validation hasn't been released as planned due to some issues but was postponed till this week and will be done on Tuesday.
  • The fixes have been done for the Opt EPro but haven't been deployed to dev/staging for testing etc.
  • An updated pv-extract has been released however we are still seeing errors where the string in the repository is longer than permitted in a PV xml and it hasn't been truncated to meet the xml schema. This needs to be sorted as soon as possible as it it was expected to be part of this release.
  • Andrew is continuing to look at the RaDaR syncing issues
  • James has completed the Validation tickets subject to any issues that arise after the new validation release where issues will need fixing.
  • Kings/Barts have not been sending files George will follow up and try and get them t send more reasonably sized files based on changes and over a short period to help resolve the storage issues.
Working Patterns and PhoneTim Whitlock (Deactivated)Could you all let Tim/HR(Jen) know your expected normal working patterns during this time of remote working. Please also try and ensure that you answer your phone as we may need to contact you urgently over issues/getting something fixed.
 Covid-19 Tim Whitlock (Deactivated)

 The Renal Association/Registry are going to be doing a number of things to help manage and mitigate risk to renal patients which will involve the systems team doing some work...

The NHS England returns that we have been doing are now required to use the new data items and NHS England would like a sample file Tuesday/Wednesday this week. Followed by a complete extract for 2018 and regular year to date for 2019. George Swinnertonwill sort the updating and automation of this report.

RRT Adults they want to get a complete list of all patients reported via audit as current as possible so are asking for all the 4 quarters for 2019 as soon as possible from units. This will be used to get a complete list of living patients as of Dec 2019 which will then be linked  to PHE data for COVID-19 infections (this linkage will be updated regularly) to IGNARC (using a hash id) for emergency admissions (again this will then be regularly updated )  

This data wiil also be linked to SUS(HES data in raw format) by NHSDigital This will help identify how different patient groups are coping with covid-19 infections. This data will also be analysed by GIRFT. This is all subject to getting the IG sorted which Tom is working on. Full details are being finalised but this is roughly what will happen.

 The plan is to get all sites that use PV to enable the sending of data for all patients (subject to IG considerations) we will need to disable the PV membership filter on the UKRDC to accommodate this and ensure that the pv-extract is properly restricted. The reason is that it is seen as a way to readily get medicatiosn for all patients and identify the ones on medication which would make them more vulnerable to COVID-19. Centres not using PV would be an issue. They then want a rela time dash board showing number s patients on key medications....details again vague. In preparation for this we need to implement tracing for UKRDC and james.griffin (Unlicensed)start putting the necessary processes in place to ensure all patients on the UKRDC are traced. 

Every week sites will be asked to email the ukrr.data@nhs.net mailbox wit patients diagnosed with covid-19 this data will need to be sent through by 5pm on Thursday. The data from all units will be combined into a single file and then submitted to tracing. Friday the merged tracing and supplied data will be  turned in to a series of reports to be sent out by the stats team. Andrew Attertonwill start looking at this. Update: this has been taken over by james.griffin (Unlicensed)due to Andrew being otherwise occupied..and these minutes taking so long to be written up.

They are putting in place a regional support structure coordinated by the KQUIP team to disseminate best practice and nice guidelines for dealing with this. This is aimed at providing clinical and operational support.

NHSEngland want a dashboard that all units will submit number of dialysis stations, how many staff are available, and how many spaces they have and how it is allocated to COVID-19+ve or -ve. Each unit will upload a daily count which will then be aggregated to give a regional view of capacity and so direct patients to the most appropriate unit. There was a possibility that we would have to develop this however NHSEngland have said their dashboard team will do this by the end of the week.

Paeds data collection is planned in a similar way to the Adult however it is less well defined at this stage but will be linked to the same data PHE,SUS(HES) and ICNARC. They also plan to CKD patients full details are still being worked out.

Action items

  • George Swinnertonto update the NHSEngland extract and put suitable processes in-place to automate this extract  
  • james.griffin (Unlicensed) look at automatic tracing for UKRDC records. This involves submitting the trace file as an RDA file after tracing to create a Trace record for each patient.  
  • Andrew Atterton to start looking at the requirements to merge files and trace them for the weekly covid-19 report. Taks reallocated to james.griffin (Unlicensed)