2020-10-12 Meeting notes

2020-10-12 Meeting notes




  • Review outstanding tasks

Discussion items

Outstanding items
  • NHSEngland feed we now need to send data in the new format starting with the 2019 data once it has been closed off. They now also need AKI, Covid and vascular access data to be included. Any data from stats will need the study id added  such as covid data. George will need to do this before submitting. The process for doing this needs to be fully documented to allow other team members to do it.
  • Fran flagged a number of tickets  required to complete the 2019 returns. These need to be done as soon as possible once some progress has been made on the HL7 messaging. The sorting of the tickets and etc will be done the second half of the week. Data Quality reports need to be run today Monday so the DMs can work on them. Currently the extract that is run is missing a couple of fields supplied by the Scottish registry which need to be included in the extract code.
  • Renalware have not yet started sending a fixed record but are working on it. George will chase them.
  • Quick loading nothing new to add
  • Alphastudy backup is still waiting for the appropriate logon credentials to allow this to be completed. 
  • The AKI extract is currently running and should be available for Anna this week. Sarah has flagged there merging of two labs has not worked as expected for the RAG report and this needs reviewing.
  • Andrew ran the tracing code from James which created a tracing file which was submitted and returned however the returned file is not getting processed correctly by the xml file creator complaining about a missing column. He is currently investigating.
  • The PHE covid matching file has been returned now George has added the missing ids and Shalini and Anna informed.
  • Tim hasn't yet managed to contact NHSDigital about other users on a MESHUI mailbox.
  • Everyone needs to complete the move over to their new desktops as soon as possible.
  • No BCH star news
  • No new National Opt out
  • No new RaDaR issues
  • No other Kings/Barts news
Other Items

Andrew has received an NHSBT file and will start processing it this week

George has sent the pedw file via the portal and emailed the contact to let them know.

George is still having issues with  accessing Bitbucket servers using port 7999. Tim will check with Mark if there is another rule  that needs changing...

It was asked who should be monitoring the PV mailbox and suggested a rota of Gary, Fiona, Sahun

CAG submission for audit is due on Thursday and the dataflows will need updating.

 PV Issues

 CCL have reverted the time changes that caused an issue and resent the backlog. CCL didn't realise that time should not be time zoned.

Heartlands have all the details for sending via the N3 connection however they don't seem to have actually sent anything.

Rob Kings has been in touch about Portsmouth where they are trying to enable letters however they seem to have all imported with the same date this would cause only a single letter to get saved as it is used as the the key. There is a ukrdc ticket to fix issues on the ukrdc if two letters are sent on the same day. Vital Pulse have been told they need to get the dates right.

Kent are having issues with their feed coming from renalplus. We know no more but it is an issue they need to sort.

Action items

  • George Swinnertonto ensure the new NHSEngland process is fully documented including the adding of study ids so that other team members can do the extract as well.  
  • George Swinnerton to concentrate on the 2019 Audit end of year processes for the second part of the week to get the files closed off.  
  • Andrew Atterton to start processing the NHSBT file  