2020-04-27 Meeting notes

2020-04-27 Meeting notes




  • Review current progress and plan work for week.

Discussion items

Outstanding itemsTim Whitlock (Deactivated)
  • Optepro fixes require some changes to the channel JavaScript for PV Survey Outbound. Currently it seems like the changes made are not being processed. George is currently investigating this and looking at how this can be resolved. Once this is resolved it should be ready for deployment to staging and then live after successful testing.
  • The NHSEngland extract code does not lend it self well to the use of a Study Id due to it being base don the validation code which is intrinsically linked to the RR code. George will rewrite the code to run as an sql extract which will be better for ensuring a study id is used. This will require the study number table being populated which will also be done as part of this. This should be completed later today.
  • James hasn't made any progress on the tracing of UKRDC patients. This will hopefully be progressed this week.
  • George reminded Kings/barts about the issues with ODS 0000  and NHS numbers with spaces in last week. He will follow up.
  • Covid-19 schema changes and code to ensure that the covid-19 tests don't go to PV have been tested on dev and are part of the updates including the optepro fix so will be deployed to staging when that issue is resolved.
  • When the latest changes for covid-19 are deployed ideally this will be tested using a dev feed from kings/barts rather than them just adding to their live feed. George was not sure if they were able to do this yet. He will check.
  • Andrew has looked at the github library issue but was unable to see how to verify  if the reported issues were really a problem so is looking at updating the libraries and testing for issues on his local system before deploying. This would mean then that RaDaR is kept up to date with libraries to ensure that these warnings don't arise. Long term the issue will be that angularjs is reaching end of life and an upgrade for this will need to be planned. It may also prevent some libraries being updated.
  • George has resolved the issue with the AKI builds which were caused by the virtual environment not being the correct version. This is now resolved so he will now try to sort the RAG code updates this week.
  • Andrew has completed the NHSBT processing and sent through the file on Friday. However he used the wrong view so has had to re-send the correct file today. This should be more or less completed now barring any further errors. The files will be due at the beginning of July.
  • RaDaR syncing issues have been delayed a bit due to  issues with the vscode debugger integration. The issue with medications is due to the data being supplied with units that are not supported by RaDaR mapping this results in a 500 error. Really it should ignore any values that are not mapped but somehow indicate that some values are not shown due to issues with units. This then raised the question of why they were there. If RaDaR doesn't support them it shouldn't really be saving them. It then transpired that most of the odd ones were from kings/barts RDA feeds who are failing to properly populate the RDA fields. These should really result in a file rejection and renalware should be correctly mapping this data. This needs to be tied down now before more sites start sending RDA data and should match the required content and not how the system happens to handle this data by using some custom mapping at the extraction end. George will follow this up with kings/barts
  • Covid-19 reporting. James has now created the master index database for the covid reports and will add the Radar memberships and tracing data to it today. He is now working on more auto correction and automation of the process.

 Currently the pv-extract only does a mapping of received fields. One derived field that should be in the PV feed is rrtstatus. This currently does not get sent for the RDA feeds. and is required for reporting PV patients by modality. George will add the necessary changes to ensure this value is fed through to PV.

Action items

  • George Swinnerton  to follow up with renalware the correct mapping of doses in  the RDA schema.  
  • George Swinnerton add derivation of rrtstatus in pv-extract for RDA feeds.  